CANVAS HiFi was born from the passion and ingenuity of two remarkable individuals: Kim Neeper Rasmussen and Laust Nielsen. Their story is a testament to unwavering dedication, a lifelong love for sound, and a shared commitment to crafting exceptional user experiences that began in their earliest days.


Kim and Laust are lucky to meet each other in 2019. For many years, Kim had fine-tuned a multitude of inventions which, in combination, had solved the challenge of creating real HiFi experiences in a design that fit perfectly with every TV. It quickly became clear to both of them how they complemented each other perfectly,with Kim’s technical expertise harmonizing with Laust’s insight into customer needs. In the following years, the collaboration intensified and in 2022 they founded CANVAS HiFi.


Dune Blue distributes CANVAS HiFi in the BeNeLux.


The fundamental idea behind CANVAS design is to create a harmonious and functional living space that celebrates simplicity, natural elements, and minimalism without compromising the sound. This design philosophy emphasizes clean lines, a neutral color palette, and the use of natural materials like wood and nature-inspired textiles. After the CANVAS HiFi team of sound geeks had created the perfect sound, a team of interior designers was tasked with designing the perfect frames based on classic Danish design.


The combination of high-end speaker construction, Room Correction and BACCH 3D crosstalk cancellation results in true hi-fi performance you’d normally only get from dedicated hi-fi sound systems.