The Shanling M6 Pro has always been one step ahead of the M6 in terms of chipset and performance. The M6 Pro 21 is no exception, with a high-performance dual-DAC chipset housing two flagship-grade ES9068AS DAC chips, made by ESS Sabre Technologies. Its capable of providing exceptional high-resolution audio signal decoding with ultra-low distortion and high SNR ratings. This DAP has many features such as octa-core Snapdragon 430 CPU, two-way high-resolution Bluetooth support, Open Android 7.1 OS with global hi-res lossless support, etc.
Headfonia is one of the first head gear test magazines that has published a review of the M6 Pro 21. Nanotechnos provides a great overview of all the current DAP’s available from Shanling with the clear differences and benefits of each model. Most of these were already reviewed by the website. Next up an overview of the features of the M6 Pro 21, technical details, user interface, settings, etc. The most interesting part of the review is the sound quality and overall performance.
“Layering is razor-sharp and the sound stage pinpoints accurate. Head to head, the M6 21 surpass the first M6 once more, especially when you use big headphones like the Audeze or cans like Meze Empyrean”
The final conclusion of this review of the new Shanling M6 Pro 21 reads like a dream:
“For the third time, the brand earned my recommendation, as THE best mid-range DAP of the moment. Same classy design, updated software for better reliability and better sound performances, that gives a very balanced experience overall”
Shanling M6 Pro 21 MSRP €799 incl. VAT
Available in Black Gold or Titanium Gold